domingo, 15 de junho de 2008


Vênus = mãos = Afrodite = eu harmonizo

Your ability to express affection. Artistic taste. Love, possessions, and happiness. People with Venus strongly placed in their horoscopes are more likely to be considered charming and they will tend to be strongly attracted to the arts. Venus rules the signs of Libra and Taurus.
In Greek mythology Venus was Aphrodite the goddess of love and desire. The word aphrodisiac, meaning that which induces desire, comes from the word Aphrodite.
Venus is feminine energy and rules the world of love, pleasure and all desires. Through Venus you experience joy, pleasure, lust and the nature of your own sexuality. Whatever you desire, whether it is chocolate or someone you find attractive, Venus will tell you how to get it. Strong Venusian types are wonderful lovers but also lovers of beauty, art, music and food. Venus has rulership over the masculine natural 7th house sign of Libra, the sign of partnership. Venus rules over engagements, pairing and unions of all kinds, and can also show the love of others outside of a relationship, as in our family and friendships. Venus is the Universal symbol for womankind and will show the type of woman a man is attracted to in his chart. Venus rules all things related to beauty, from physical attributes to make-up and adornments. In the personality, Venus indicates a loving affectionate person that is usually sociable and peaceable. Venus also rules sensuality and earthly pleasures which are seen through the feminine sign of Taurus; the sign that represents our need for the desires we want.
Venus rules the throat and kidneys, blood sugar and diabetes (Venus rules sugar), as well as illness related to sexual activity.
Venus has rulership over Taurus, the sign that governs the 2nd house in the natural zodiac and Libra, the sign governing the 7th house.

Venus in the Houses

amusement, art, beauty, boudoirs, brass, confectionery, dance, desire, dimples, doves, emeralds, entertainment, fashion, femininity, flowers, grapes, humour, immorality, intimacy, justice, lingerie, love, marriage, marriage, money, music, partnership, partnerships, pleasure Adornment, relationships,social interactions ,romance, relaxation, sexual intercourse, social centres, societies, style, women
Vênus representa a sensibilidade, a beleza, o afeto, a arte e a ternura.
O setor do mapa onde se encontra Vênus indica onde deve agir com delicadeza e suavidade, usando a parcela harmônica que existe em você.
Vênus quando expressado de forma negativa faz nascer a feiúra e a insensibilidade. Enquanto na forma positiva faz nascer o prazer, a satisfação e a auto-estima.
Na mitologia é representado por Afrodite, a Deusa do Amor e traz um paradoxo de que a beleza também traz a desgraça assim como a destruição de Tróia causada pelo amor entre Paris e Helena.
A beleza é o reflexo de uma beleza maior, ou seja, o que amamos é um reflexo do que amamos dentro de nós mesmos.
Vênus indica as formas de envolvimento, a entrega amorosa, a criatividade, a união e a conseqüente fertilização.

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