domingo, 15 de junho de 2008

Casa VII

Casa VI

The Sixth House shows HOW you work, not your career. That is governed by your tenth house. If the job you have is shown by your sixth house, well then it’s just a job, not a career. It also "rules" co-workers and subordinates. The sixth house indicates the quality of SERVICE you give to others as well as the quality of service they give to you, so this house rules, by extension, servants of all sorts. The other thing to look for here are conditions of health, the type of ailments to which you are prone.
This house can be thought of as being concerned with (daily) routines and necessities, such as work, health, diet, clothes and jobs. These are the details of life, and this house tells how you deal with the details and practicalities of living. It is concerned with people who work for you. And with how you provide a service (work) for others. It is also concerned with tools, expenses, overheads, landlords, and pets. It also indicates your attitude to cleanliness and order. This house refers to things that you willingly do, but only because you have to do them in order to attain comfort, or some other goal. For example, cleaning the house is done for the sake of having a comfortable place in which to live, rather than because it is interesting! This house also concerns your taste in clothes. It is a house of mind and thinking and is associated with education, teaching and schools.
This is the place where the tyres meet the road. Where you have to get down to the nitty gritty in order to achieve anything.
Ability begins with ignorance of inability, when we think something is easy because we have never done it before. This is typically Aries, charging in, full of confidence, and oblivious to any difficulties.
When we try, we realise it is harder than we thought and we become aware of our inability in that area. We become more cautious and reserved. This is a bit like Taurus: being reluctant to do things it doesn't know about, and avoiding the unfamiliar.
As we learn, we find we can do it, but only when we think what we are doing. We have awareness of ability. This is like Gemini, but the process continues through to Virgo.
By practice and by following routines, our skills become automatic and we can do things without thinking about them. We have attained an unawareness of ability, the ability to do things in our sleep! This is the Sixth House, or Virgo where we have learned our theories and practiced enough to be, well perfect!

Setor da limpeza, saúde e trabalho. Toda sujeira acumulada é varrida aqui. Organização e reciclagem, escolha do trabalho sincero, onde comandamos e somos comandados. Onde ocorre a ordenação dos procedimentos (princípio da natureza). A metodologia, aprender a colocar pra fora o que já não nos serve emocionalmente, da mesma forma que acontece fisiologicamente.
Aqui estão as coisas práticas que podemos fazer com as emoções. Aqui os planetas devem ser tratados com mais atenção, pois a sujeira de todas as outras casas é varrida para cá.
É através do trabalho que ganhamos estrutura para produzir saúde, raízes e centramento. Aqui o trabalho é bem feito. É o mundo doméstico e as tarefas cotidianas. Casa que significa desenvolvimento do trabalho, tanto no sentido positivo como no negativo. Lições sobre cuidados com o próprio corpo.


7 As parcerias. O casamento. Os contatos íntimos. O dar e receber amor. A justiça. O casamento. A beleza. A harmonia. A união.

Marriage and partnership. Any time you approach anyone else as an equal, you are using your 7th house, so it rules more than marriage and business partners. It rules open enemies as well. It may seem contradictory for marriage and open enemies to be shown by the same area of the horoscope, but if that’s what you think, you probably have never been married. This house corresponds to the 7th sign, Libra (not that terrible movie with Demi Moore), sign of partnership.
The Descendant
Serious committed relationships are found in the seventh house. Traditionally, this was the house of marriage as marriage is a contract you have with another person. Your spouse, contractual partnerships, one-on-one relationships, business partnerships including verbal commitments, rivals, justice, law, opponents (adversaries) are included in this house. Whereas the 5th house governs romance and love affairs, the seventh house is about the deep commitment of love. It also shows what you need in a relationship and partner.
The cusp of the 7th house is also known as the Descendant, and is formed by the horizon line directly across from the Ascendant (1st house). It is the sign that, like the sunset, was setting in the west at the time of birth. It is found at 3 o'clock on the zodiac wheel.
Libra is the sign that governs the 7th house in the natural zodiac.

Casa VII

The Seventh House is the section that shows what your partners and partnerships are like. However, it goes beyond that. It also deals with everyone whom you approach as an equal, including open enemies ("hidden" enemies are shown by the twelfth house).
The first house deals with the self, and the seventh house deals with the opposite, that is, those who you meet on a one-to-one basis, and includes marriage and business partners. It also includes open enemies. When we meet others we have to give and take and agree ground rules, and in the process we get into conflict, hopefully friendly conflict, until we find a solution. This house is also concerned with competition. In this house are close friends, live-in-lovers and other people in general. And also contracts, law-suits and divorce. Balance is a keyword for this house. More specifically, it indicates the first marriage partner, the third sibling and second child.

É o setor do ocaso da psique. Enquanto o ascendente representa a auto-confiança, o descendente é a complementação: a consciência do outro. No outro muito de nós é compreendido. Os outros funcionam como espelhos.

É a casa do casamento e dos inimigos declarados. É o encontro do homem e do sagrado. A explicação do acaso. Os encontros estruturam as provações e os exercícios para unirem a alma fragmentada. Casa do outro onde ocorre o esvaziamento do egocentrismo, onde deixa que os outros brilhem. Não se cria relações, mas se trabalham as que existem.
É o lugar do nosso oposto complementar, como forma de crescimento e desenvolvimento.

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