domingo, 15 de junho de 2008


Sol = espírito = eu sou

Your ego, your basic character. What you are at heart. How you relate to men in general, especially the father. If the Sun is strongly placed in your horoscope, you will tend to be outgoing, authoritative, maybe even a bit theatrical, and you will be more likely to seek attention. The Sun rules the sign of Leo.
The sun rules your conscience day. It represents your true self, who you strive to become and how you shine. The sun is the giver of life. Your sun shows your identity, your pride and your self-confidence. Without the sun we would live in the shadows of others, we would have no drive, no direction and our lives would become repressed. As the sun breathes life into all living things, we too are given life through the light of our sun. The sun in your chart points to your life's purpose, its challenges that must be overcome and the end to which you have been searching.
The sun is masculine energy and represents the father; in a woman's horoscope the sun represents her partner and the kind of man she is attracted to.
The Sun is Leo's natural ruler and both are associated with royalty, dignity and authority. Strong solar types sometimes have boundless energy and vitality and many of the positive characteristics of the Leo character, which include courage and confidence, generousity, loyalty and good health.
The sun rules the heart, your vitality and the back, especially the spine. The sun rules the right eye in a man and the left eye in a woman.
The sun has rulership over Leo, the sign that governs the 5th house in the natural zodiac.

Sun in the Houses

affection, ambition, authority, burning, children, citrus fruits, coins, constitution, courage, creativity, dignity, domineering, ego, emperors, energy, extravagance, fame, father, fiery, fire, gambling, generosity, gold, haughty, health, honour, hot, husband, identity, individuality, jewellery, joy, laughter, life, light, lions, magnanimity, nobility, ostentation, orange, passion, peacocks, pomp, popularity, positive, power, pride, prosperity, purpose, royalty, simplicity, spine, spirit, spotlights, stardom, strength, Sunday, superiors, vitality,
warmth, will, yellow

O sol representa a consciência, a personalidade, a projeção. A casa onde o sol se encontra é o setor “revelação”, o foco, onde você pode BRILHAR e mostrar sua individualidade.
O sol quando expressado de maneira negativa faz nascer o egoísmo, a arrogância, o orgulho, a vaidade e o exibicionismo. Enquanto na forma positiva, faz nascer o brilho de forma plena, a exteriorização da sua verdadeira essência.
Na mitologia o sol é representado por Apolo, Deus da Luz, aquele que tudo vê. A consciência forte denota clareza, honestidade, transparência e verdade, um espalhar de luz.
O sol é o lado ativo da alma, masculino em sua polaridade, o OLHO DE DEUS. É o luzeiro central que representa a parcela brilhante iluminada e centralizada da alma. O caminho do sol através dos doze signos representa o ciclo completo de iluminação da consciência, cada signo representa um estágio de uma grande viagem.
O sol indica o setor da vida no qual devemos centralizar, brilhar e curar. O meio através do qual podemos compreender a luz. Compreender a maneira pela qual podemos nos iluminar, espalhando essa luz pelo universo e a resgatando de volta.

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